Ember Tremain
My Story
In April I'll be walking 26.2 miles in one day to raise money for Cruse bereavement support ❤️
Please donate if you can, any amount can make a difference!
About Cruse:
We help people through one of the most painful times in life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.
We help many thousands of bereaved people each year and every one of them has their own story, and their own individual grief. Helping them to live with their loss, and build a life while still remembering and honouring the lives of those who have died, is the reason for all our work.
Individuals helped in 2022
We gave ongoing support to 22,192 people one-to-one over the phone or online
We supported 1,990 face to face
We supported 1575 people in groups where it was safe to do so
We assessed or gave brief support to 8397 people
We answered 31,487 calls and 8,228 emails from individuals seeking support from Cruse
Our Helpline Bereavement Volunteers spent 13,112 hours on the phone talking to callers
33% of those that called did so in the first three months after the bereavement
89% call about the death of a partner, parent or close family member
After talking to our volunteers 63% of callers felt they didn’t need further support – the other 37% were directed to other services